Theres many different typesof metaphors, such as a simile, personification, anthropomorphism, hyperbole, parable, fabel, and analogy. A simile is when we compare the characteristics of two things by using like or as. For example ''My mother is as beautiful as a rose''. A rose is beautiful and so is my mother. That's a simile. I'm comparing my mother to a rose. Another metaphor is a personification. Personification is giving something a human-like quality or ability to something that is not human. An example is ''The run down house appeared depressed''. No house can appear depressed, We can see the quality we give the house even though the house isn't human. Another metaphor is anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. An example is ''The dog in Bathoven was playing basketball and wearing sneakers.'' It's saying a dog could really play basketball and wear sneakers. There's no such thing. Another type of metaphor is a hyperbole . A hyperbole is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in ''I'm so hungry I could eat a cow''. I'm exagerating, I could be so hungry , but I could never eat a cow. A parable is a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson. An example is The Good Samaritan (New Testament). A fable is a kind of metephor. A fable is a short allegorical narrative making a moral point, traditionally by means of animal characters who speak and act like human beings. For example The Boy Who Cried Wolf. It's a fable of a little boy who would always cry wolf, to just scare the people make them think the wolf was there wen it really wasn't. Analogy is another metaphor which means a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based. An example of an analogy can be fire is to ice as hot is to cold.
In the poem "Joy" by; starfields I noticed a metaphor. The metaphor was "first blade of grass, the messenger of spring''. This is a metaphor because the first blade of grass is like a signal messenging us telling us the spring should soon arrive. In the poem "Creativity" by;starfeields it has personification. It's saying the shadow of a branch is dancing and its writing its story in the ink. There isn't any such thing as a branch dancing and writing its story. Also the poem "Peace" by;starfields has personification "The wind is now a roaring, smashing monster of destruction" This line is personification because its giving the wind sounds such as roaring, and turning the wind into a monster. Its giving the wind human characteristics.
A simile that I found in the cartoon elephant, was "He eats like a pig, Vines like golden prison" the example is trying to say the elephant eats so much because pigs also eat so much. Its also saying it can hold you very tight because a vine can be like a long string and you can compare it to his trump. With his trump he can hold on to anything. In this link it gives you many different examples of simile and how they use the elephant to identify it.
The poem " My Town" By;Sharon Hendricks has many personifications. Every line we read has personification.
The leaves on the ground danced in the wind The brook sang merrily as it went on its way. The fence posts gossiped and watched cars go by which winked at each other just to say hi. The traffic lights yelled, 'Stop, slow, go!'
The tires gripped the road as if clinging to life. Stars in the sky blinked and winked out While the hail was as sharp as a knife.I read in the first line how it says, "The leaves on the ground danced. Leaves don't dance, humans dance, this is personification. The author is just saying like the leaves were getting pushed around by the wind , so to make it more intertaining, he saying they were dancing. He says the traffic lights yelled yellow stop, slow and go. That can't happen because traffic lights can't speak. The author is saying like the lights were changing. The red means stop, the yellow means slow and the green means go., These sign we already know, they don't speak to us. Another poem that has many personification is Games By; Sharon Hendricks.
Chipmunks chatter and scurry, Blue jays scream and scold. Robins talk and gossip demanding their story to be told. Squirrels skip and box one another and rabbits play hop scotch. The games they play, the sounds they make Really are top notch
Squirrels skip and box one another and rabbits play hop scotch. This line manily has personifcation. It's giving human charcateristics to the squirrel and the rabbits. Squirrels can't box. That's what humans do and a rabbit can't play hop scotch. That's a game humans play.
A fable is a metaphor."The Hare and the Tortoise" is an old fable. In this fable the hare would brag about how fast he was and how no one could bet him. So the tortoise gladly challenged him to a race . The hare thought it was a joke and said I'll dance all the way. The hare was too confident. So when the race begun course the hare was fast , when he looked back he didn't see the tortoise no where in sight. So he decided to stop and take a nap. As the time passed when the hare woke up he noticed the tortoise was passing the finish line. This is a metaphor because the hare and the tortoise both act and speak like humnas beings. This fable makes its point , never be to over confident .
I found metaphors in two of Emily, Dickinson poems. In the poem "The wind" in the first line she says "The wind tapped like a tired man,And like a host, "Come in," in this line I found two metaphors . Personificatin and a simile. The simile is she's comparing the wind to a tired man, and the personification is she's saying the wind tapped on her door. She's giving the wind human characteristics, such as tapping like a tired man. The wind tapped her door slowly like an old man would. In the other poem in which I found a metaphor was in "The Stone " In the first line "How happy is the little stone". This line is a metaphor because the narrator is giving the stone a feeling. The stone has no feeling the stone can't be happy. I feel like in this poem the stone dickinson was trying to saying like a stone could just be so happy , because it doesn't having any feelings, unlike a human, a human has many different emotions.
A leaf falls loneliness by ee cummings is a metaphor. This line its saying how when a leaf falls of a tree its lonly, because once it falls its not going back up on the tree. When I see a single leaf falls to the ground from the tree, it's describing how the leaf can feel lonly. Just like when one person is all alone, the person feels lonely.
Metaphors is part of our everyday life. We use metaphors in everything we do. By us talking to writing we are using metaphors. As we get older and grow we learn and do more. we have different experiences in which we use metaphors. Most people just by the way they speak, or dress exaggerate everything. Their whole personality could be a metaphor. A metaphor that can apply to me is "A Roller Coaster - Life consists of ups and downs, and we are along for the ride" I think the metaphor applys to me, beacuse with all the things that i have been threw life to me really is a rollercoaster. One day your up high , on your best everything goes great, and the next day your down , no energy, no money, no friends sumtimes not even family. On the ride i'm all alone . With the years that have passed and the things that I have learned, in life it's just Me, Myself and I.